....my oh so very random thoughts

Friday 21 October 2016


On today's episode of "How do I say this without sounding like a condescending know it all?"

Let's get right down to it.
*flashes Grammar Police badge*

1) Did you know that "Am" is not a substitute for " I'm (I am) "?
 On no account should you use them interchangeably.
E.g Am grateful to God (wrong)
       I'm grateful to God (correct)

Pro tip: You cannot use "Am" to start a sentence, a question maybe, but never a sentence.
Am I making sense?

2) Celebration shall not SIEZE in your house (wrong)
Celebration shall not CEASE in your house (correct)

3) Have you ____ paying attention to anything I've ____ saying?
A) been B) being C) beign

Alright, am done.
I'll see myself out.

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