....my oh so very random thoughts

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Love Expressions

The villagers swore she'd never have a child of her own.
And for a while she didn't.
Even the most modern of medicine couldn't explain it.

Watch her expression soften as she recalls the first time she found out she was pregnant with you.
Listen to her tell you how her water broke barely seven months into the pregnancy and she had to stay in the hospital till it was safe for you to come out.
You can almost feel her pain as she tries to describe how agonizing her contractions were....felt like she was being torn apart she says, as you came out of her..
There was blood. So much blood.

She can recall the name of every doctor and nurse that was on duty that night.
She'd tell you how your father tried to watch the delivery perched on a window because they wouldn't let him enter into the labour room. And how a doctor eventually caught and hauled him away, amid vehement protests.
You both laugh.

And the first time she held you in her arms, in that very moment, she understood what true love felt like.

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