....my oh so very random thoughts

Friday, 21 October 2016


Food for thought:
To think that at the beginning of this year we had two months of scorching heat and we were praying for rain, now it rains almost every other day.
Everything has a season. God has ordered it to be so. Don't fret, your season of breakthrough will surely come. But in the meantime, don't skip the process.

Every other Sunday morning my mom and I debate over what shade of lipstick, amount of cleavage, sleeve/dress length or accessories  is appropriate for church.
This morning, my hair was too red, and the length wasn't helping matters.
**rubs temples**

It speaks of the generational gap that is very much existent in the church today. For the purpose of this conversation we shall divide these generations into two. On one hand we have the Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1976) and on the other hand we have the Millennials aka Generation Y( those born between 1977 and 1998)
In other words, we have the new school and the old school Christians, for want of a better expression.

The Millennials feel that church service should be brisk and business like; 2hours max and we're all out the door. The Generation Xers are of the opinion that we should dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever.

The Millennials praise God in a noisy way, with so much enthusiasm and excitement.
The Generation Xers on the other hand just want to listen to a hymn or spiritual song that takes them back to that "old time religion"
 Which one is "Baba carry me dey go dey go" again ? And why does the worship leader have that weird bushy hairdo?

The Millennials carry their Bible on their phones and tabs. The Generation Xers will stick to their leather bound KJV Bibles thank you very much.

I could go on and on but methinks you get my drift by now.
But you know the beautiful thing about it, no matter the generational divide/gap/fracture, there's one thing that connects us all - Christ Jesus. Let's all accommodate one another in love, it's what he'd have us do.

In other unrelated news: Congratulations mum on your ordination as a licensed minister of the Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria. May God continue to prosper you. Amen!

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