....my oh so very random thoughts

Friday, 21 October 2016


Disclaimer: Daddy Mark Zuckerberg is in Nigeria. This is not a drill! I repeat. Daddy Mark Zuckerberg is in the giant of Africa.

On today's episode of "Petty hurts..''
Finally something else to gripe about that isn't "Feminism, Buhareconomics or 200K salary"
 OK I must warn you that I'm about to get really petty on this post, I've been off my meds lately. Proceed with caution.

There are a group of people I like to call 'Facebook snobs".
They believe Facebook is too good for them and they don't hesitate to point it out everytime they are on Twitter(oops!)
How can you identify a FB snob? They can be active on all other social media platforms but only show up on FB when they have something big happening in their lives they want us to know about or to update their profile picture.

Secondly, if everytime you come online your default reaction to people's updates is "what is this one even saying sef" OR "this one is always online everytime" OR you only accept friend requests from people with fine profile pictures OR you only like/share/comment on the updates of people in your FB clique(yes it's an actual thing) OR anyone who disagrees with you is a moron;
 you're well on your way to becoming a Facebook snob

And as for those of you who come on Facebook to post updates that have been trending on Twitter and pass it off as your own original idea, I don't even have words for you right now. Consider this your cease and desist order.

Finally, if it seems like all of a sudden your doctor friend has started replying your Whatsapp messages on time or is now available for weekend groove, don't get too excited, na strike we dey so. We shall be back to regular programming soon

So that concludes my ramblings for today. 3 minutes of your life you'd never get back.
Thank you for stopping by.

 Please exit this status in an orderly fashion.

*jogs to Twitter*

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