....my oh so very random thoughts

Friday 29 May 2015

Pet Peeves #1

So just the other day on my Whatsaap somebody typed "Thank you" and I responded with
 "Yw"( which is supposed to be the abbreviation for You're welcome)
I think I died a little inside that day. Esther, how could you??!

I'm still getting used to people typing "HBD, WULLNP" 😬 I mean! How lackadaisical can you be for gossakes? It just shows that you're not even trying.

In this era of smart phones and predictive texting, why will somebody text me "Gm. Hru. F9" (Good morning, how are you.Fine) and you expect Jesus to be happy with you.
The worst are those people who will omit one word from the sentence in the name of short hand e.g "Tank u" "Hw re u" 😳🌝🌚. Are the letters on your keypad quarreling?

My friend! Gerrarofhere for reals, you hear what I'm saying?


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