....my oh so very random thoughts

Saturday 23 May 2015

How To Get Away With Being A Feminist

Disclaimer: This post is steeped in conspiracy theories. Reader's discretion is advised.

Grey's Anatomy. How To Get Away With Murder. Scandal.
These three serials have one leading lady in common, Shonda Rhimes.

Shonda is a feminist through and through and she projects that passion into the female characters she casts in her serials. She has been very vocal about female empowerment. If you notice, most of the leading ladies on her shows portray single and very independent women who do not let their lives to be dictated or defined by any man, no matter how dreamy they are.

- Grey's Anatomy
It was mildly amusing on the internet the day Shonda killed off McDreamy's character. Fans of the show were so shocked/upset, they swore they'd stop watching the show. There's even a petition on the web to bring his character back. It's not that serious guys. LOL.
What was even more funny to me was the episode after his death, the show just moved on very quickly. Like they couldn't even be bothered to give Derek Shepherd a 'befitting burial'.
 It all made sense when I read that McDreamy was dropped from the show because he was having an affair with a married woman on set. Obviously Shonda wasn't having any of that nonsense. She capitalized on that opportunity to put Meredith front and centre of show.
Ladies, if your man can't keep it in his pants....drop him like a bad habit!.

If you notice most of the ladies on Grey's Anatomy don't have time for romance. They never let love or the idea of it override their good sense of judgement.

Meredith, Miranda & Torres all have children but are still very active surgeons. This is Shonda's way of telling us that you can have it both- kids & career. Which is a big contrast to African culture that suggests that a woman should sit down in the house and nurture the kids and cook meals because it is "her job"

Oh and then Cristina Yang ultimately channels Shonda's feminist nature when she tells Meredith: "You stay here. You are a gifted surgeon with an extraordinary mind. Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need. He’s very dreamy, but he’s not the sun. You are"

Olivia Pope has the President of the free world wrapped around her little finger. Need I say more?
Some of you may have thought it was rather harsh and hypocritical of Fitz, the way he sent Mellie packing from the White House. But that was Shonda's plan all along. You see Mellie is aiming to be a senator and President of the U.S. in the future and Shonda doesn't want it to look like It was Fitz who helped make Mellie senator and eventually president. So basically now Mellie gets there on her own merit. See what Shonda does? Essentially, as a woman, you can be whoever you want to be without help from any man.
You most certainly don't need a man on your arm to feel accomplished.
Hehe! Have I started sounding cray cray yet?

How To Get Away With Murder
I remember watching a scene with Annalise Keating and her mom where she was braiding her hair while she was grieving her husband. Her mom told her a story how she burnt down their family house with her husband inside it because he sexually abused Annalise as a child. All the while, Annalise thought her mom never knew.
Yet again, what was Shonda trying to tell us? You don't need to stay with a man that abuses you(emotionally, physically) or your kids! Run away from abusive relationships. Learn to stand up for yourself as a woman.

Oh and did I mention that Shonda has two adopted children and one via surrogacy?
In African culture that if you opt to have CS instead of vaginal delivery, they would shame you for being "weak or selfish" talk less of paying someone else to carry your baby for you. LOL. Your in laws will not let you hear the end of it. It's even funny in the labor room when women decline epidural, cos somehow you are perceived as "not being woman enough" You must   endure the pain as if it proves or validates your status as a woman.
Let's not even talk about the women who don't wish to have kids.

You gotta love Shonda because she challenges every stereotype about women or what roles society perceives they should play.

"Lead the life you want to lead. Be whoever you want to be. Have the babies. Be the CEO. Lean out. Lean in -- on your own terms. Just run this thing because I don't want the girls wishing they could be men for a day. I don't even want men wishing they could be women. I just want those words '[having] all of that,' I want all of that to apply to all of us." - Shonda Rhimes

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