....my oh so very random thoughts

Monday 11 May 2015

Baby Steps

Disclaimer: This is not a self righteous post.
OMG I'm becoming one of them!
I remember there was a time I used to silently judge some of my friends on Facebook who always posted "religious themed" status updates. Na only you waka come? Wow. Look at me now.
I remember there was a time I was so obsessed with rap music, Lil Wayne to be precise. I could sing all his (rather explicit) songs from A - Z.
If you know me well enough you'd know I love music and I learn songs very easily. I knew the lyrics to every song that frequently played on the radio.
Then my mum will ask me "Young lady, are you sure you are a Christian? How is it that the same mouth you used to sing gospel songs, you would still use to sing worldly music?" I would just laugh and continue listening to my portable radio in the kitchen.
I remember how my mum would come into my room in the morning and quarrel with me because I left my radio on to play all night filling my spirit with worldly music, as she put it. My own argument then was "But I'm asleep, how could that possibly happen?"
You see these days, I am quite shocked at myself cos when someone asks me "Oh you don't know Wizkid's or Drake's latest song?" And I'm just looking at them with a very puzzled expression.
There is no way you would have told the Esther of 2007 that the only songs she would have interest in listening to in 2015 are gospel themed songs.
This one might make no sense to you, but I used to be a Coca Cola addict. I could not go a week without drinking at least 1 liter of Cola. It still surprises me that now I can look at a bottle of Coke and not have the urge to drink it. Today I'm 2months sober. Baby steps.
Moral of this plenty grammar?
Sometimes I feel like my life is going nowhere and it tends to make me depressed and frustrated. Intermittently I lash out at God or simply just run/hide. You know what the beautiful thing is? He always seeks me out to restore me, patiently waiting to resume our relationship.
Then I began to see the "little things" and appreciate them. He made me realize that there is a process I have to go through before I get THERE and I have to trust him no matter how long the process is going to be. Whoa!
I'm not there yet but I know God is working tirelessly on me to attain perfection in Christ. Lord knows it's a daily struggle and I've faltered and at times lost my way but he hasn't given up on me. For this I am eternally grateful.
I thank God for my praying mother. I am thankful for growth no matter how small.
The ultimate goal is that one day He will look down on me and say; "This is my beloved daughter in whom I am well pleased"

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