Disclaimer: Nobody is perfect, most especially me.
Elton John once sang "Sorry seems to be the hardest word". I tend to disagree.
People seem to have this preconceived idea that saying "I'm sorry" is a
magical eraser of some sorts that is supposed to make everything better
between us.
Well its not. Color me cynical.
Which brings me to
the term "Forgive and Forget". Is that even humanly possible?(the forget
part I mean). I think it's just one of those things people say to sound "deep". Easier said than done if you ask me.
In the words of C.S Lewis, "Everyone thinks forgiveness is a lovely idea until they have something to forgive."
"Forgive and Let go" sounds much more realistic, don't you think?
You know that part of the Lord's Prayer that says: 'And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors'. (Matthew 6:12 KJV)
It literally means, if you don't forgive your neighbor, God will not forgive you. Think about that for a second.
But the importance and urgency of that prayer really hit me while I was
reading Matthew 18 earlier where Jesus was telling the parable of the
servant whose master forgave him a large debt but this same servant
threw his fellow servant in jail because he owed him a paltry sum of
When the master found out, he ordered the servant to be put in jail till he paid up his debt. Listen to what Jesus said:
..."So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do
not forgive your brother from your heart.” (Matthew 18:35 KJV)
Reading that gave me serious chills. Imagine God putting you in a "jail
cell" simply because you chose not to forgive. Unwittingly, some of us
have tied down our blessings because of our unwillingness to forgive.
"Unforgiveness is choosing to stay trapped in a jail cell of bitterness,
serving time for someone else's crime.”
Forgiveness is no easy task
but when we compare with how much God has forgiven us on a daily basis,
you have no choice but to forgive and let go!
God bless you.
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